SATMESIN Menjual S/S refrigerated cabinet berbentuk meja untuk menyimpan minuman kemasan,sayuran,buah,susu,dll yang biasa diletakan pada area kerja bar.
Fitur :
* GN 1/1 Design
* Full stainless steel exterior – interior
* Removable cassette refrigeration system
* Embraco Compressor
* Digital temperature control
* Electronic expansion valve
* HFC245 insulation foam , Ozone friendly
* Auto hot gas defrost w/ self-evaporated system
* Poly coated evaporator to prevent corrosion & ensure food safety
* Removable door heater & gasket for easy maintenance
* Removable S/S bracket & tray slide
* Inner chamber with round corner design for easy cleaning
* Door lock, adjustable feet & poly coated wire shelf , door heater , LED lamp
Spesifikasi :
* Dimensi (P x L x T) : 142 x 70 x 85 cm
* Volume : 325 L
* Suhu : -2 ~ +8 Celcius
* Daya Listrik (220V/50Hz) : 350 W
* Shelf (Set) : 2
* Refrigerant : R290a
* Berat : 118 kg
Rukan Golf Lake Residence Blok Venice B37
Cengkareng – Jakarta Barat
WA/TLP : 0882-1428-1838